
最 新 消 息
活動名稱 初夏咖啡---La Flor del花神(瓜地馬拉。安提瓜產區)
活動地點 台東市福建路250號
日  期 2015-05-04 至 2015-05-30
時  間 13:30 至 21:30
定位地圖 Google 地圖連結
內  容

推薦 La Flor del花神(瓜地馬拉。安提瓜產區)


Coffee Matrix Attributes

  • Brightness:5
  • Body:4
  • Aroma:6
  • Complexity:4
  • Balance:5
  • Sweetness:2
  • Spicy:-
  • Chocolaty:
  • Nutty:-
  • Buttery:
  • Fruity:
  • Flowery:
  • Winey:-
  • Earthy:

What's the Coffee Matrix

Guatemala Antigua - La Flor del Cafe

Compare this coffee with our other Guatemalans

Sun-dried the old fashioned way at the most modern mill in Guatemala’s top coffee growing region, this Antigua has good acidity with a deep, bittersweet chocolate flavor. Its great aroma and full, yet mellow-body make it a great cup that won’t overpower whatever it is served with.

Okay, this is Daniel, me, and this is my opinion. For a press pot in the morning or evening. The aroma is rich, dark, chocolate, classic on the nose. This is what all those commercials of people waking up to coffee aroma are aiming for. The acidity is low to medium, and the body is full. This is a very balanced cup. The flavor is subtle, dark, mocha notes, and rich. Can I rave any more about this coffee? Roast it medium dark to get the full subtle tones, but don’t overdo it. This is not a French roast coffee.

參訪瓜地馬拉咖啡局(ANACAFE)cupping 當地咖啡與該局杯測師們合影
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電子信箱 tpeva58@gmail.com